General Update

This post is just a general update of my progression in the arts, as well as a few milestones recently...

To start I've been squeezing in digital paintings where I can between my comic book work with Legacy, Eclipse, and Vampire Academy.
I like recoding the various stages my painting goes through via time phase videos, although they really only show the milestones in their creation... One day perhaps I will invest in a time-lapse screen recorder to watch me paint more thoroughly over the course the ten hours it normally takes. So here are the latest newest to oldest (be sure to watch in HD):

You can see the final versions on my deviantART page here(as well as zoom in, to see the finer details the videos don't really show):

In other news, I've finished the lettering for another comic, titled "Academy of Villains", as well as having done the cover logo since its the first issue in a possible on going series. I will update when I have website links etc, with more information on that. What I can say for now though, is I worked with Andre Siregar, who is also the line artist on the "Legacy" comic series with September Productions, which I work as colorist/letterist.

Bringing my to my next bit of news, I've started doing just that, on "Legacy" issue #4! Coloring and lettering two pages every week which started the first full week of this month, thus this issue will be moving along fairly quickly. You can check out S17's website for more Legacy news here:

Beyond that, I've been doing a bit of off and on work with doing various comic covers (colors), most recently this week with "Sword" issue #1.

I stay busy, and love every minute of what I do! :)


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