So Much So Soon
A lot has happened with my in the art world since I last blogged, so much so its hard to even keep up. But I wanted to summarize a few highlights as I can recall them.
First off I began and finished lettering a new comic called "The Last Knight" in only a few days time, when and where it will be printed I will keep update with that info soon. I also started working for September 17 Productions and began as colorist and letterer for the legacy series, I lettered issue #2 (in record time, 24 pages in less than 7 days), and I do both currently for issue #3 and will for all future issues of this series, as well as an upcoming graphic novel from September 17 Productions set to begin production mid next year. Their Facebook page can be seen here:
In addition I'm also mid way in, coloring and lettering Creepy Scarlett issue #4 which is a completely new style.

I've been working this comic since its humble beginnings with issue #0 and have loved watching it evolve and grow both in its artistic form, and its story arks. You can visit Creepy Scarlett's website and store here:!store/c9qb
In addition the series has also been made into a web comic series (in addition to its printed counterpart), which is readable for free here:
Its also back on Kickstarter! -The first campaign was canceled as writer, creator Graeme Buchan wanted to switch some things around. But its back, and ready for your love and support!
In other news Kelon Productions now has me working as letterist for manga book One Nation: Black Lotus, in addition to the Q graphic novel project.
-Eclipse, and Uno which I also color are still in the works as well. Pages come to me a tad slower, than some of my other comics which I turn 1-2 pages around weekly, but production quality is not at a loss because of it. I am equally looking forward to seeing all the projects I am honored to work on, printed just the same.
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