Eclipse: Comic Sucess on Kickstater

As mentioned earlier along in this blog I began working on a comic called Eclipse (parts of issue 1, and 2 simultaneously), as colorist and letterist. I also eventually designed the comics tee shirt line as well. After a fair amount of both issues were finished, writers Trevor Talbott and Scott Meier took the material and went on a sixty day public funding campaign via Kickstarter for the project.

Thanks to the wonderful supporters and fans, the project was fully funded and then some, of its $6,000 mark with over a week to spear before the final deadline. We will continue the project this July, so stay posted for more news on Eclipse. Also be sure to follow the comics Twitter page here:

As well as the creative teams individual Twitter pages: (Writer/Creator Trevor Talbott) (Writer/Creator Scott Meier) (Penciler/Inker Pete Raymond) (Colorist/Letterist/Tee Design Jessica Jimerson)


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